Safety Measures to Protect Against the Spread of COVID-19

PLEASE NOTE: With the recent updates from the State and CDC, including August 2 recommendations that take into account the Delta 19 variant, we are continuing to require masks, for the comfort and safety of all visitors, including many children and others who are not able to be vaccinated.
Also: we are working towards making the third floor of Behind the Screen, with its interactive experiences, accessible again. For the time being, this section remains closed.
Know Before You Visit
Our visitor safety guidelines continue to change as new rules are announced by federal, state, and city agencies. Please note the following (updated August 5, 2021):
- Advance purchase of timed-entry gallery and screening tickets is recommended, as overall capacity is reduced. However, walk-ups are welcome on a first-come, first-served basis and pending availability. Book your Museum visit here. Film tickets may be purchased via individual film pages.
- Face masks must be worn at all times by visitors (ages 2+) and staff, regardless of vaccination status.
- Please note: social distancing is no longer required, but we ask visitors to be sensitive to the comfort of all patrons.
- Visitor capacity is limited to 50% until further notice.
- Hand sanitizer stations have been added to encourage clean hands.
- Physical barriers, e.g. Plexiglass screens, have been installed at the admissions desk.
- Air systems throughout the building have been upgraded with MERV 13 filters.
- If you feel unwell or believe you have been exposed to someone diagnosed with COVID-19, we ask that you refrain from visiting. A refund will be issued for your ticket.
- Quarantine periods for domestic and international travelers entering the state are no longer required (though it remains recommended for those not fully vaccinated). Travelers from out of state—except for those coming from New York's contiguous states, which are New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Vermont—must fill out a traveler health form, as do travelers coming from another country.
Additional policies for screenings:
- Face masks are required for all audience members, regardless of vaccination status.
- Theater capacity is limited to 75% until further notice.
- Please note: assigned seating is no longer required. For the comfort of all patrons, where possible, we suggest ticketholders to leave an empty seat between groups.
- Concessions will not be available; food and beverage (except water) are not allowed in the theaters.
- In between screenings, the theater will be totally sanitized, including each seat, using an electrostatic disinfectant backpack system (more info).
- In addition, a bipolar ionization system, which cleans the air, removing ozone, particles, and pathogens, has been installed in the Redstone Theater. For more information about the system, visit here.
Some amenities and sections are closed or limited:
- Cafe and Shop are temporarily closed.
- Coat check is temporarily closed, and the maximum bag size allowed in Museum galleries is 11"x14" (28 x 33.5 cm). No large bags or luggage can be accepted. Please plan accordingly. (Stroller parking will be available.)
- Only two persons will be allowed in the elevator at one time.
- Museum experiences that require touch or shared surfaces (including headphones, information sheets, interactive experiences) will not be available until further notice.
We welcome your inquiries, please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
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