Search Museum of the Moving Image

Please note: the Museum will be open 12:00–6:00 p.m. on Feb. 17, Presidents Day.

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A Survey in Trance: Will Hindle in the Contemporary Avant Garde

Saturday, Nov 16, 2019 at 7:00 pm

Location: Bartos Screening Room

From 1958 to 1976, Will Hindle made ten films. While his work is not as well known as that of some contemporaries within experimental cinema, his ambitious technical prowess and personal, erotic, and psychedelic sensibility has nevertheless illuminated a path for many in the current generation of experimental filmmakers. His expressive visual style, unusual editing, and effects, and his intuitive use of image and sound to activate complex emotional and psychic states characterize a body of work that, while modest in scope, stands among the most distinctive and evocative in the American avant-garde. Two of Hindle’s seminal works, Watersmith (1969) and Saint Flournoy Lobos-Logos and the Eastern Europe Fetus Taxing Japan Brides in West Coast Places Sucking Alabama Air (1970) will provide a jumping off point for this first iteration of a new ongoing series, Persistent Visions, as we discover how—in addition to Hindle’s own examples—some contemporary experimental filmmakers have explored trance, ritual, and dream states in a uniquely cinematic language.
Organized by Becca Keating

Program 2: Rituals in Time

In Will Hindle’s Saint Flournoy Lobos-Logos and the Eastern Europe Fetus Taxing Japan Brides in West Coast Places Sucking Alabama Aircombines the psychic upheaval of the late 1960s and the alien barrenness of the desert to conjure a mesmerizing array of dreams and nightmares. Related themes of ritual, transcendence, and a subjective experience of time and space characterize the four contemporary works that accompany Hindle’s cinematic mind trip.Total running time: 84 mins.
St. Flournoy
Will Hindle. 1970, 12 mins. 16mm.
A Idade De Pedra
Ana Vaz. 2013, 29 mins. Digital projection.
Amy Halpern. 2012, 7 mins. 16mm.
Wayward Fronds
Fern Silva. 2014, 13 mins. 16mm.
Ben Russell. 2015, 23 mins. Digital projection.