Search Museum of the Moving Image

Please note: the Museum will be open 12:00 p.m.–6:00 p.m. on Jan 20, Martin Luther King Day.

2001: A Space Odyssey (New 70mm print)

Jul 26 — Aug 5, 2018

50th anniversary screenings featuring a new 70mm print

As brilliantly engineered as the space program itself, Stanley Kubrick’s mysterious and profound epic—“the ultimate trip”—is about nothing less than the beauty and the banality of civilization, blending cool satire, an elaborate vision of the future, and passages of avant-garde cinematic inventiveness. For the first time since the original release, this 70mm print was struck from new printing elements made from the original camera negative. This is a true photochemical film recreation: There are no digital tricks, remastered effects, or revisionist edits. This will be the exclusive New York engagement for July and early August.

Tickets: $20 ($7 Museum members/free for Silver Screen members and above). To become a member and receive the discounted tickets, click here or contact [email protected].