In Solidarity with Black Lives
(June 4, 2020)
The events of the past week, following the murder of George Floyd, amplify racial inequities and systems of oppression that Black Americans have faced for hundreds of years.
As a museum, we believe in calling attention to social injustice and promoting the voices of Black artists, as well as those of all people of color, through our programming and within our internal culture. But we will continue to listen, learn, and find ways to do more.
Museum of the Moving Image stands in solidarity with our communities—of colleagues, artists, neighbors, and visitors—to demand justice for Black lives.
There are many organizations working on the frontlines creating change. Here are some of them, and some links we wanted to share to readings and videos we have found elucidating at this moment.
- Audre Lord Project
- Color of Change
- Showing Up for Racial Justice
- The Liberty Fund
- Trevor Noah’s monologue from May 29
- Tambay Obenson’s “10 Films to Watch in Support of Black Liberation”
Let us know if you have suggestions for other links to add (send us an email). In the meantime, we will continue to bring you the programming and events that you have come to expect from us.