Voyage of Time: Ultra Widescreen Version
Location: Redstone Theater
Dir. Terrence Malick. 2017, 46 mins. DCP. The culmination of years of filming and decades of preparation, Terrence Malick’s first work of nonfiction attempts to cinematically represent nothing less than the history of existence. From the big bang to suburban sprawl, from the evolution of the species to the devolution of the recorded image, and featuring images both captured and fabricated, Voyage of Time does not lack for ambition, yet it rests on a powerful sense of humble uncertainty in the face of the unknown. It does not have the fictional narrative elements of Malick’s The Tree of Life, to which this film was apparently once considered a companion, but it remains a spiritually close sibling. This ultra widescreen version presents the original IMAX cut of the film in a 3.6:1 aspect ratio as a purely audiovisual experience substituting a richly immersive ambient track for Brad Pitt’s recorded narration.
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