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Open Worlds Opening Day

Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 4:00 pm

4:00–9:00 p.m.

Join MoMI for the opening day festivities of Open Worlds, an accessible, 15,500-square-foot, climate-controlled, WiFi-enabled community resource for visitors of all ages looking to convene, find creative inspiration, learn about and experience new media technologies, or participate in many diverse programming selections. 

Following a ceremonial ribbon-cutting at 4:00 p.m, DJ Stretch Armstrong will kick off the party alongside an installation by artist Joshua Davis on the Schlosser Media Wall.

Then, take a break in the Fox Amphitheater with an educator-led Virtual Reality experience.  

Open Worlds will be available during all operating hours through October. Its offerings will include a wide range of free community and technology-focused programming spanning themes of content creation, Pride, accessibility, science on screen, special effects, video gaming, and much more.