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Last Loves . . . and a Wow Finish


Location: Redstone Theater

Buona Sera Fiori! (Italy, 1909) Presented by Frank Roumen(EYE Netherlands Filmmuseum)

Cupid in Quarantine (1918) Presented by Jeff Lambert (National Film Preservation Foundation)

Domingo Filippini’s Galería Cinematográfica Infantil (Argentina, ca. 1927) Presented by Carolina Cappa(Museo del Cine)

Super 8 love poem Daffodils (1977) Presented by filmmaker Katy Martin

Super 8 projections of Aldebaran Sees (1969) and Contribution to Light (1968)

Presented by Sarah Keller(UMass Boston) and filmmaker Barbara Hammer

Premiere of Mating Games (2018) with 1963 home movies by Muscle Beach legend Russell Saunders Presented by Courtney Stephens (Veggie Cloud)and KJ Relth(UCLA)

Nikolai Ursin’s Behind Every Good Man . . . (ca. 1967) 16mm restored print courtesy of the Outfest UCLA Legacy Collection. Presented by Todd Wiener (UCLA Film & Television Archive) Restoration funding provided by the National Film Preservation Foundation

Finale: a very special surprise final film we can’t yet reveal (but not to be missed!) Presented by David Schwartz (MoMI)

Tickets: $15 ($11.25 for members at the Film Lover and MoMI Kids Premium levels, free for Silver Screen members and above). Order tickets online. (Members may contact [email protected] with any questions regarding online reservations.)

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