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Direct Filmmaking Animation Workshop with 16mm Film


Location: Digital Learning Suite

Join us for a free one-time workshop to learn a variety of cameraless film-making techniques and take home a unique 16mm film animation sequence. Led by visual artist Nung-Hsin Hu and media artist educator Chloe Zimmerman, the workshop will begin with a brief introduction to the direct filmmaking process and 16mm film projector. The instructors will demonstrate how to utilize film leaders, original films, and found footage by applying scratching, coloring, writing, and masking techniques to create film animation. Participants will have the chance to explore different techniques to create their own unique animation pieces. Before the end of the workshop all the film sequences will be edited together and screened with a 16mm projector. The workshop is open to all and will be offered in English and Mandarin. All materials will be included and no prior experience is necessary. 

Nung-Hsin Hu is a Taiwanese born visual artist and an arts administrator, who devoted herself to adult education for immigrant communities and building artist residency programs at the Queens Museum for the past several years. Hu’s practice interweaves video, film, performance, sculpture, and installation. She has exhibited widely both in the United States and abroad and has also received various grants and fellowships, including from the Jerome Foundation, National Culture and Arts Foundation of Taiwan, and the Queens Council on the Arts. Hu has also participated in international residencies in São Paulo, Taipei, Berlin, the Arctic Circle, and Reykjavik. Her current projects utilize analog film and projectors, combining traditional and direct film-making techniques to address a sense of loss, archive the ephemeral, and discuss the subject of time. 
Chloe Zimmerman is an artist, writer, and educator engaging with ecologies and documentary poetics across disciplines. She teaches filmmaking and other creative practices at venues that have included Museum of the Moving Image, MoMA, Mono No Aware, GenSpace, Swale House, and the Queens Museum’s New New Yorkers Program. Additionally, she works at Soliya, a nonprofit based in Tunis and New York, and is an active member of the New Sanctuary Coalition, an organization “led by and for immigrants to stop the inhumane system of deportations and detentions in this country.” 

Free admission. Space is limited to 15 participants, first come, first served. Advance reservation required. RSVP here.



星期五, 11月15日 下午5:00-8:00

動態影像博物館 – Digital Learning Suite

請加入我們一起學習,如何不需使用相機,即可直接在16釐米電影膠卷上,製作手繪動畫、以及創作影像的技術。過這個一次性的工作坊,視覺藝術家胡農欣、以及媒體藝術家和教育工作者Chloe Zimmerman,將由電影膠卷動畫和影像製作的基本概念開始、並且介紹16釐米投影機的使用方式,接著會示範如何使用繪畫、刮除、黏貼、蓋章…等等不同技巧在透明、或是有影像的膠卷上製作動畫影像。學員將會在課堂中,透過講師的協助,利用各式的技術以及材料,來創造自己獨特的16釐米膠卷作品。課程結束前,講師會將結合學員們的作品,透過16釐米投影機放映,學員並可以把自己創作的作品帶回家。全程以英文及中文授課,並且開放給任何有興趣的民眾,不需要有任何的電影或繪畫基礎。

胡農欣,出生於台灣,現居美國,致力於視覺藝術創作。並曾於皇后博物館,從事移民藝術教育、和管理藝術家駐村工作室‭多年 ‬。農欣利用雕塑、錄像、電影、裝置、以及表演等媒材進行創作。作品曾於美國以及各國展出。農欣亦曾獲多項獎助,其中包括:台灣國家藝文基金會-國際交流補助、Jerome Foundation Travel and Study‭獎金、皇后藝術基金會‭(‬QCA‭)‬新作獎助…等等。並曾參與許多國際性的駐村活動,包括:巴西Casa das Caldeiras駐村中心、臺北寶藏巖國際藝術村、柏林Lichtenberg駐村工作室、挪威北極圈駐村計劃、以及冰島SIM駐村中心。農欣近期的創作計畫,主要是利用16 釐米電影膠卷為實驗媒材,結合 16 釐米投影機,以裝置方式呈現作品,探討時間 、記憶、以及何謂永恆等議題。‬‬‬‬

身兼藝術家、作家和教育家的 Chloe Zimmerman,致力於生態學、以及跨領域的紀錄性詩學。她曾在多個機構當任,電影和創作相關的課程講師,其中包括:動態影像博物館(Museum of the Moving Image),現代藝術博物館(MoMA),Mono No Aware電影中心,GenSpace,Swale House,以及皇后區博物館的新紐約客課程計劃(Queens Museum, New New Yorkers Program)。此外,她也在分布於突尼斯、和紐約的Soliya非營利組織工作,並且是“新保護區聯盟”(New Sanctuary Coalition)的活躍成員,該組織“由移民領導並替移民制止,各種不人道的驅逐出境和拘留制度”。


This workshop is made possible by Queens Council on the Arts with public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Special thanks to Mono No Aware.
