Boys Beyond Boundaries
Location: Bartos Screening Room
Boys is back in town for a second edition of films redefining how boys can feel, think, and be. After he is pressured to tag a wall with graffiti, the boy in Granbad reveals his feelings—and his dyslexia. In Xavier, a father is told his son is not like the others, but he knows his fledgling drummer boy will find his own beat. Meanwhile, life in Curaçao may seem idyllic, but teens who feed themselves a diet of tough posturing and iguana stew make life challenging for a boy and his younger friend in Juni. Click here for more information about each film.
Approximately 75 mins. Recommended ages 10 and up.
Tickets: $14 ($10.50 for members at the Standard through MoMI Kids Premium levels / Free forchildren under 3 and members at the Silver Screen level and above). Order tickets online. (Members may contact [email protected] with questions regarding online reservations.)
Ticket purchase includes Museum admission (see gallery hours). View the Museum’s ticketing policy here. For more information on membership and to join online, visit our membership page.