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Friday, Feb 14, 2020 at 7:00 pm

Location: Redstone Theater

Dir. Roger Vadim. 1968, 98 mins. 35mm. With Jane Fonda, John Phillip Law, Anita Pallenberg, Milo O’Shea, Marcel Marceau, David Hemmings, Ugo Tognazzi. Barbarella testifies to a time in which a profound fascination with technological possibilities of the future had permeated mass culture. Based on Jean-Claude Forest’s racy comic serial, Vadim’s film details the adventures of a beautiful, kinky “cosmic queen” in the distant future of the year 40,000. Barbarella’s camp, liberated sexuality, and her penchant for flaunting her body in skimpy leotards, tight suits, and titillating plastic bodices is one reason the film has secured cult status.

Order tickets ($25) for screening + Envisioning 2001 exhibition access before the screening.

Order tickets ($15) for screening only.