2001: A Space Odyssey
Location: Redstone Theater
Dir. Stanley Kubrick. 1968, 149 mins. (plus intermission). 70mm unrestored print from the film’s 50th anniversary in 2018. With Keir Dullea. As brilliantly engineered as the space program itself, Stanley Kubrick’s mysterious and profound epic—“the ultimate trip”—is about nothing less than the beauty and the banality of civilization, blending cool satire, an elaborate vision of the future, and passages of avant-garde cinematic inventiveness. For the first time since the original release, this 70mm print was struck from new printing elements made from the original camera negative. This is a true photochemical film recreation: There are no digital tricks, remastered effects, or revisionist edits.
Tickets: $15 ($5 Museum members at Standard through MoMI Kids Premium levels / free for Silver Screen members and above). Ticket prices reflect the added expense of shipping and preparing large format films. Order tickets online. (Members may contact[email protected] with questions regarding online reservations.)
Ticket purchase includes same-day admission to the Museum (see gallery hours). View the Museum’s ticketing policy here. For more information on membership and to join online, visit our membership page.