Sparrow Film Project – Sunday Block E
by Team Sparkle Turnip
Dir. Colin Jakubczyk, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Jared Sigler, Sagar Sheth.
by Team Two Half One
Dir. Nick Zelletz, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Josh Woodie, Jenavene Bazacas.
by Team Furious Lizards
Dir. Jason Chamberlain, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Joe Miller, Helen Miller.
As Darkness Nears
by Team Herbert McLondonwolf
Dir. Michael Boyne, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Levi Wilson, Erwin Valenica, Tadashi Mitsui.
The Electric Field
by Team Eric Bana and Anne Hathaway
Dir. Brenton Henry, Elizabeth Straebel, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Nate Adams, Elizabeth Bays.
by Team The Curious Benjamins
Dir. Brandon Ferretti, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Lauren Lubow, William John Austin, Joshua Forcum.
Away From the Sea
by Team CocoLo
Dir. Sarah Hawkins, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Rachel Fox, Michally Diamond, Hudson Rhotenberry.
Makilling It
by Team Crab Napkin
Dir. Tim Clark, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Janet Krupin, Greg Mills.
We Are Vagina
by Team GKL
Dir. Caroline Kasnakian, David Lowe, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Caroline Kasnakian, Leona Godin.
Flaws and Disorders
by Team C2 Studios
Dir. Colin Cosell, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With Colin Cosell, Paul Olsen.
The Milkman
by Team Queens Comfort
Dir. Benham Jones, 2015, 3 mins, Digital projection. With George West Carruth, Jordan Gwiazdowski, Ben Bunce.
Tickets: $6 (Free for members at the Film Lover level and above). Order tickets online. (Members may contact [email protected] with any questions regarding online reservations.)
All tickets include same-day admission to the Museum (see gallery hours). View the Museum’s ticketing policy here. For more information on membership and to join online, visit our membership page.