Photo: Thanassi Karageorgiou
Sensory Stories: An Exhibition of New Narrative Experiences
Apr 18 — Jul 26, 2015
Location: Amphitheater Gallery
Sparked by recent developments in digital technology, companies and creators are exploring ways to extend storytelling beyond traditional screens. Sensory Stories invites visitors to encounter new immersive technologies and creative experiments that engage sight, hearing, touch, and smell. These virtual reality experiences, interactive films, participatory installations, and speculative interfaces offer insights into a possible future where stories engage more of our bodies than just our eyes and ears.
Conceived and organized by Future of StoryTelling
Presenting Sponsor: Phi Centre
Creative Direction: Sub Rosa
Note to Visitors:
Access to the virtual reality experiences (Herders, Clouds Over Sidra, Evolution of Verse, Way to Go) requires timed tickets on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Timed tickets are also required from 10:30 to 3:00 on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Please visit the admissions desk to obtain your tickets.
Birdly (2014/2015), a bird-flight simulator that allows the user to fly over Manhattan with a virtual reality rig, was part of the exhibition from April 30 through June 7. It was created by Max Rheiner and the Zurich University of the Arts in Switzerland, with Thomas Tobler and Fabian Troxler, and presented at Museum of the Moving Image by swissnex Boston. For more information about Birdly, please visit