Search Museum of the Moving Image

Please note: the Museum will be open 12:00–6:00 p.m. on Feb. 17, Presidents Day.


Rise of the Guardians


Introduced by Guillermo del Toro, Peter Ramsey, William Joyce, and Patrick Hanenberger

Preceded by a book signing with the above guests in the Moving Image Store from 12:00 p.m.–1:00 p.m.

Dir. Peter Ramsey. 2012, 97 mins. Dolby Digital 3-D. With the voices of Chris Pine, Alec Baldwin, Hugh Jackman, Isla Fisher, Jude Law. When the evil spirit Pitch threatens to put an end to children’s dreams, a team of guardians takes action, including Santa, the Tooth Fairy, the Easter Bunny, the Sandman, and a newcomer—Jack Frost. Filled with invention and personality, Rise of the Guardians boldly reinvents the iconic heroes of childhood. The screening will be introduced by executive producer Guillermo del Toro, director Peter Ramsey, author William Joyce (whose “Guardians of Childhood” books served as the inspiration for the film), and production designer Patrick Hanenberger.

Tickets: $15 public / $9 Museum members / Free for Silver Screen members and above. Order online or call 718 777 6800 to reserve tickets.
