Focus on Infinity
Presented as part of the Imagine Science Film Festival
Dir. Joerg Burger. 2014, 80 mins. Focus on Infinity is a poetic scientific travelogue, a worldwide search for the people and technology, all across the world, seeking to answer the most profound questions of our existence and the origins of the universe. From the Chilean deserts to the Vatican observatory with broad range of physicists, astronomers and theorists in between, it is a personal and intuitive investigation into the roots and boundaries of our imagination dominated by sensual perception. Not unlike an adventure, the film dares to voyage into the unknown, to the structures of our intellectual capacity and drive to explore. It focuses on the restlessness that characterizes the natural sciences, which drives research with increasing technological advancement and financial resources, and underpins the never-ending human ambition to fully understand our world.
Tickets: $15 ($9 members at Film Lover, Dual, and Family levels / free for Silver Screen members and above). Order tickets online.
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