Dawn of the Dead
Location: Bartos Screening Room
George Romero Halloween Special
Dir. George Romero. 1978. 127 mins. Digital projection. With David Emge, Ken Foree, Scott H. Reiniger, Gaylen Ross, David Crawford, David Early, Richard France.George Romero’s triumphant return to the zombie genre proved to be more than just a chilling landmark in the history of horror, it also doubled as one of the greatest and most withering satires of American consumerism. A spiritual if not literal follow-up to the director’s legendary Night of the Living Dead, Romero’s late ’70s smash pursues a gorier, more gonzo path, with besieged urbanites finding refuge from the zombie apocalypse in a suburban mall. So placated and indulged are they among the spoils of abandoned goods, and so fiendish are their tactics of dispatching marauding monsters, it becomes harder to know who to root for. “Dawn of the Dead is one of the best horror films ever made… It is gruesome, sickening, disgusting, violent, brutal and appalling. It is also (excuse me for a second while I find my other list) brilliantly crafted, funny, droll, and savagely merciless in its satiric view of the American consumer society. Nobody ever said art had to be in good taste.”—Roger Ebert
Tickets: $15 (Free for members at the Film Lover level and MoMI Kids Premium levels and above). Order tickets online. (Members may contact [email protected] with questions regarding online reservations.)
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