Reverse Shot Presents: A Few Great Pumpkins
Oct 26 — Nov 1, 2024
Every October since 2006, MoMI’s house publication for criticism, Reverse Shot, has provided an annual week-long lineup of short essays celebrating seven great scary movies titled A Few Great Pumpkins. This Halloween, we present three classic American horror movies from past Pumpkins. Tobe Hooper’s unparalleled, ingenious work of low-budget horror The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, celebrating its fiftieth anniversary, and a two-fer of John Carpenter’s 1980 The Fog and Val Lewton/Mark Robson’s 1943 The Seventh Victim, both of which brilliantly use off-screen space to create their terrifyingly atmospheric worlds. In The Fog (the first “Great Pumpkin” ever written about in Reverse Shot), a small California seaside town is menaced by an age-old curse; in The Seventh Victim, a young woman tries to track down her missing sister and discovers she has been taken in by a cabal of secret Satanists. Bleak and beautiful, these are magnificently sinister films featuring breathtakingly evocative cinematography.
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre screens October 26–27, and November 1
The Fog and The Seventh Victim screen October 31 and November 1; see them separately or buy a combo ticket.