Search Museum of the Moving Image

Five by Forsyth

Sep 27 — Oct 6, 2019

The opening credits of Bill Forsyth’s 1979 debut film That Sinking Feeling tell us “The action of this film takes place in a fictitious town called Glasgow. Any resemblance to any real city called Glasgow is purely coincidental.” This gently ironic disclaimer points to both the authentic low-key naturalism and inventive fable-like quality of Forsyth’s films. In conjunction with Film Movement’s re-release of his breakthrough film Gregory’s Girl (opening on October 4 at Film Forum in Manhattan), MoMI is pleased to present this quintet of films by the Scottish director, a body of work that favors observation and character over plot, crafted by a filmmaker who has the patience and insight to let his movies breathe, and to follow the lead of their unpredictable and endearing characters.

Organized by Curator-at-Large David Schwartz