UFOs in Zacapa (Ovnis en Zacapa)
Location: Bartos Screening Room
With director Marcos Machado Loria and producer Vilma Liella in person
Dir. Marcos Machado Loria. Guatemala. 2014, 90 mins. In Spanish with English subtitles. With Roberto Diaz, Alejandra Estrada, Daneri Gudiel.
What happens when traveling extraterrestrial beings arrive in this part of the continent? What is the origin of those alien lights in the distance? In Guatemala exists a dark, mustached, paunchy, and sometimes impotent hero! This anti-hero story uncovers a conspiracy of drug traffickers mixed with New Age messianic discourse, shamans, healers, and UFO sightings. While portraying this extraterrestrial chaos, the film also questions the role of the mass media in the handling of “truth” and how those who have economic power can often determine the “faith” of the masses. View trailer.
¿Qué pasa con los extraterrestres que llegan a esta zona del continente? ¿Qué origen tienen esas luces distantes? ¡En el sur, el héroe es moreno, bigotón, panzón y hasta impotente! Este antihéroe, descubre una intriga de narcotraficantes mezclada con discursos mesiánicos new age, chamanes, curanderos y avistamientos de ovnis. Esta historia a la vez cuestiona el papel de los medios masivos de información en el manejo de la “verdad” y cómo quien tiene el poder económico puede determinar incluso la “fe” de las masas.
Tickets: $15 ($11 seniors and students / $9 youth (ages 3–17) / free for children under 3 and Museum members at the Film Lover and Kids Premium levels and above). Order tickets online.(Members may contact [email protected] with questions regarding online reservations.)
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