Best of Philip K. Dick Shorts
Location: Redstone Theater
This program features some of the best short films presented at the Philip K. Dick Festival. Running time: 106 mins. Followed by discussion with filmmakers.
Glitch Noir trailer
Dir. Cody-Healey Conelly. United States. 2018, 1 min. Following Glitch Noir – Datasifter Prelude is a trailer for the sequel, The Rise of el Pelon, which tells the story of a futuristic private eye who, with the help of an A.I. that processes big data, tracks an unhinged killer through the murky neon streets of the Sprawl.
The Last Office
Dir. Trevor Hoover. United States. 2018, 12 mins. In an alternate 1940s, a switchboard operator must endlessly serve as the link between two worlds, connecting calls across the barrier line of life and death.One day, he fields a call from someone he knew in a past life.
Harsh Reality
Dir. Iain Marcks. United States. 2018, 18 mins. A cynical professional gamer’s life is turned upside-down when he is forced to see the world in a different way.
Some of Her Parts
Dir. Abie Sidell. United States. 2018, 11 mins. When future medicine allows people to live past the human body’s shelf life, a young woman visits her grandmother in the hospital and is forced to question the value of immortality when you still end up in a box.
How I Got to the Moon by Subway
Dir. Tyler Rabinowitz. United States. 2018, 13 mins. After being diagnosed with ALS, a curmudgeonly older man goes to the hospital with his partner to record his voice bank before he loses the ability to speak.
Dir. Ryan Patch. United States. 2018, 11 mins. In the near future, a young social worker travels to a small community to administer behavior-modifying ‘patches’ that guarantee happiness for the wearers.
To Be Forgotten
Dir. Masa Gibson. United States. 2018, 25 mins. A recovering addict trying to erase the records of his past transgressions gets a call from a mysterious company that claims it can help him be forgotten not only by the internet, but by all the people that ever knew him and by the natural world itself.
The Desert
Dir. Ben Bigelow. United States. 2018, 14 mins. In a suburban mansion, Martha sneaks into her son’s virtual reality chamber. Here, he wanders through a desert with extraordinary powers. The machine is intended as a psychiatric treatment, yet Martha’s trespass sets in motion a series of threatening events.
Tickets: $15 ($11 seniors and students / $9 youth (ages 3–17) / free for children under 3 and Museum members at the Film Lover and Kids Premium levels and above). Order tickets online.(Members may contact [email protected] with questions regarding online reservations.)
Ticket purchase includes same-day admission to the Museum (see gallery hours). View the Museum’s ticketing policy here. For more information on membership and to join online, visit our membership page.